
Mersen is a leading global provider of extreme environmental materials and electrical equipment safety and reliability solutions.The innovative solutions designed by Mersen fully meet the professional needs of users in the energy, transportation, electronics, chemical, pharmaceutical and processing industries to optimize their production processes.Product development expertise includes: fuse, fuse base and fuse system, surge protection, low-voltage isolation switch, high-power switch and contactor, power electronics cooling equipment, bus, rail transit power transmission, energy management system, cable management,

Mersen Izbrani izdelki

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Cenimo vaše sodelovanje z izdelki in storitvami podjetja Chipsmall. Vaše mnenje je za nas pomembno! Prosimo, vzemite si trenutek in izpolnite spodnji obrazec. Vaše dragocene povratne informacije zagotavljajo, da dosledno zagotavljamo izjemno storitev, ki si jo zaslužite. Hvala, ker ste del naše poti k odličnosti.