ReVibe Energy

ReVibe Energy - ReVibe was founded to power the Industrial Internet of Things in a reliable, flexible and sustainable way. Something that has been very hard to accomplish in the past. Through a unique vibration energy harvesting technology, their products offer the customer the possibility to convert the vibrations, that exist in most industrial environments, to electricity to fully power their sensors and monitoring systems.

ReVibe Energy Izbrani izdelki








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Cenimo vaše sodelovanje z izdelki in storitvami podjetja Chipsmall. Vaše mnenje je za nas pomembno! Prosimo, vzemite si trenutek in izpolnite spodnji obrazec. Vaše dragocene povratne informacije zagotavljajo, da dosledno zagotavljamo izjemno storitev, ki si jo zaslužite. Hvala, ker ste del naše poti k odličnosti.